“I believe that the hands can heal. The artist’s hands do this through paintings. My paintings are a guide to a world where everything is good and there is always a resource, a source of life. My art is a deep connection with Mother Nature. It is the freedom and courage to be yourself, the desire to live and create in the same rhythm as nature!”
Alesia Lobach
Hi and welcome! My name is Alesia Lobach.
Born in Minsk, Belarus, October 25, 1983.
I live and work in my homeland most of the time. I travel a lot and paint as I go.
Before becoming a professional artist, I worked as a nurse-anesthetist at intensive care. At 33 I felt strong desire to draw. First it was paper, then canvas. I was fascinated by painting. I studied by copying works of famous masters. Then I started painting by my own heart. I use various materials, methods and techniques in search for perfect combination.
My work at the intensive care had a great impact on my art. In turn, the painting classes helped me recover from a serious injury of the knee and spine. That’s why I create bright, warm and meaningful paintings from which you want to live. My paintings are filled with joy and desire to create, calling for an impulse and movement of inner strength and energy.
I currently work on collectable series: “Beautiful Green”, “Plants of Power” and “Animals of Power”.
Exhibitions and Awards:
2018, Festival of Inclusive Art “We Are”, Minsk.
Yellow 2020 “Prospectus and Entry”, 1-31.05.2020
2020 All Planet Earth Theme, 22.04 – 20.05. 2020 – 3rd Place in Paintings and Drawing Category
If you have any questions, please contact me. I look forward to your mails!
Best greetings from Minsk.